农学院关于澳大利亚西澳大学Wallace Cowling教授学术报告的通知

编辑:admin 时间:2010年04月06日 访问次数:1268

报告题目:Towards whole genome marker-assisted selection in plants

时 间:201046(周二)下午2

地 点:中心大楼南楼225

主 持:周伟军(86971770


Synopsis of seminar:

For decades, animal breeders have used genetic relationships (pedigrees) in their analysis of phenotypic data; the rate of genetic progress was improved since parents were selected for "estimated breeding value" (additive genetic effects) rather then "estimated genetic value" (additive and non-additive effects).  Now, animal breeders are incorporating whole genome molecular markers in their phenotypic analyses, which has accelerated genetic progress and enabled the identification of QTLs and genes for valuable economic traits.  Plant breeding involves more complex systems of field trials with replicated entries, and often there is a large impact of genotype x environment (GxE) interaction on the performance of individuals.   Recently, biometrical analyses have been developed to analyse multi-environment trials (MET) with factor analytic (FA) modelling of GxE effects.  We analysed oil and yield data across a series of canola trials in southern Australia by MET/FA modelling with and without pedigree information, and showed the benefit of genetic relationships to improve estimates of additive and non-additive genetic value of lines in various clusters of environments.  The MET/FA analysis will eventually incorporate whole genome molecular markers, which will accelerate genetic progress accompanied by discovery of important genes for adaptation to regional environments.  This will begin the era of the "silicon revolution" in plant breeding.


Wallace A. Cowling教授:

Cowling博士于19751980年分别毕业于澳大利亚墨尔本大学、美国加州大学Davis分校,获农学学士、植物学博士学位。1980-1981在美国加州大学Davis分校从事博士后研究,1981-1982在美国康奈尔大学从事博士后研究。1982年起在澳大利亚西澳州农业部从事植物育种研究工作,1999年起在澳大利亚西澳大学自然与农业科学学院任副教授、教授及Canola Breeders Western Australia Pty Ltd研究公司主任、International Centre for Plant Breeding Education and Research执行主任,2003获得澳大利亚Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD)。从事油菜等作物遗传育种、种质评价利用与环境适应性等基础与开发研究并取得了显著成果,已发表论著50余篇,育成了13个油菜新品种、7个豆类油料作物新品种。获澳大利亚Churchill Fellowship, 美国University of California Regent's Fellowship等奖励与荣誉。


