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Lecture by Prof.Yan Guijun, the University of Western Australia,Australia

Date:2017-06-05 Hits:234


Accelerated development of suitable plant materials for genetic research into traits of agronomic importance


Prof. Yan Guijun, the University of Western Australia  


Jun. 9th 14:30


A462, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zijingang Campus                  


Dr. Guijun Yan (PhD, The University of Auckland, New Zealand) is a professor at The University of Western Australia.  His research focuses on characterisation of genetic diversity, fast development of suitable plant materials, QTL mapping, fine mapping, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and molecular marker development for marker assisted breeding.  Recently his group along with other global partners has been awarded a four year $2.5 million grant by Australian Federal Government to improve wheat production, in response to rising global demand for food in a changing and variable climate.  Prof. Yan is an Associate Editor of a number of international academic journals including Frontiers in Plant Sciences and The Crop Journal.

This talk will focus on how to quickly develop recombinant inbreeding lines (RIL) and near isogenic lines (NIL) for genetic analysis, QTL mapping, fine mapping, gene mining and other biological researches of major crops.