Dr. Xue-ren Yin Won Nomination of National Excellent Dissertation


According to a Decision of the Ministry of Education and the State Council Academic Degrees Committee on approval of National Excellent Dissertation nominations 2012, the doctoral dissertation ‘Function and abiotic stress response of ethylene signal transduction elements during postharvest ripening process of kiwifruit’, by Ph.D student Xue-ren Yin (Supervisor Prof. Kunsong Chen), was awarded the nomination of National Excellent Dissertation.

The dissertation characterized the roles of ethylene signal transduction elements in fruit ripening and senescence of kiwifruit. The molecular mechanisms of ethylene response in ethylene-sensitive fruits were revealed together with the mechanism of transcriptional regulation of AdEIL and AdERF on postharvest fruit ripening and softening. The results were published in Plant Physiology, Journal of Experimental Botany and Postharvest Biology and Technology.