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1.  Sun Chongde, Chen Kunsong*, Chen Yang, Chen Qingjun. Contents and antioxidant capacity of limonin and nomilin in different tissues of citrus fruit of four cultivars during fruit growth and maturation. Food Chemistry, 2005, 93(4): 599-605

2.  Qin Yonghua, Zhang Shanglong*, Asgha Syed, Zhang Lingxiao, Qin Qiaoping, Chen Kunsong, Xu Changjie. Regeneration mechanism of Toyonoka strawberry under different color plastic films. Plant Science, 2005, 168: 1425-1431

3.  HaiyingYuan, Chen Ligeng, Paliyath Gopinadham, Sullivan Alan, Murr Dennis P. Characterization of microsomal and mitochondrial phospholipase D activities and cloning of a phospholipase D alpha cDNA from strawberry fruits. Plant Pysiology and Biochemistry, 2005, 43: 535-547

4.  Jia Huijuan*, Araki Aritomo, and Okamoto Goro. Influence of fruit bagging on aroma volatiles and skin coloration of Hakuho peach(Prunus persica Batsch). Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2005, 35(1): 61-68

5. Zhang Wangshu, Chen Kunsong*, Zhang Bo, Sun Chongde, Cai Chong, Zhou Chunhua, Xu Wenping, Zhang Weiqing, Ferguson Ian B. Postharvest responses of Chinese bayberry fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2005, 37(3): 241-251

6.  Guo Yangping, Guo Deping*, Peng Yan, Chen Jishuang. Photosynthetic responses of radish (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) plants to infection by turnip mosaic virus. Photosynthetica, 2005, 43(3): 457-462

7. Qin Yonghua, Zhang Shanglong*, Zhang Lingxiao, Zhu Daoyu, Asghar Syed. Response of in vitro strawberry to silver nitrate (AgNO3). HortScience, 2005, 40(3): 747-751

8. Xu Changjie, Yang Li, Chen Kunsong *. Development of a rapid, reliable and simple multiplex PCR assay for early detection of transgenic plant materials. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2005, 27(3A): 283-288

