Kyoto University and Zhejiang University organized the first ‘Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University and Zhejiang University Joint Symposium towards the Global Future of Life, Food, and the Environment’ on Nov. 27th, 2017. Since the establishment of the MOU and the SEA between Kyoto University and Zhejiang University in 2003, several exchange and collaborative research programs have been developed between two parties. This first joint symposium was organized based on the discussions during the visit of delegation of Zhejiang University led by Prof. Chen Kunsong to the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University in February, 2017. In the opening ceremony chaired by Prof. Ryutaro Tao on the morning of Nov. 27th, the opening remarks were given by GSA-KU Dean Prof. Eiji Nawata and Prof. Chen Kunsong. After the opening remarks, Prof. Motoki Akitsu and Prof. Zhang Guoping gave plenary lectures. In the afternoon, three parallel sessions, “Agronomy and Horticultural Science”, “Agricultural and Biological engineering”, and “Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science”, were held. Twenty Zhejiang University delegates including professors and researchers attended this symposium to share their research results. With this successful joint symposium, future intensive collaborations and exchanges between the Grad. Sch. Agric., Kyoto Univ. and Zhejiang Unv. are expected. Dr. Mengcen Wang from IPET gave the oral presentation entitled”Rice epiphytes-derived signaling molecules and their functions in bio-control of rice disease”.