方华 副所长,博导








E-mail: agri@zju.edu.cn




浙江大学求是青年学者,浙江大学农药与环境毒理研究所副所长。2007年浙江大学农药学专业博士毕业并获博士学位,2009年浙江大学环境科学与工程博士后流动站出站留校任教,2012年香港大学环境生物技术实验室访问交流1年。先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点专项子课题、863子课题、环保部公益性行业专项子课题、中国博士后科学基金等国家级、省部级及其它课题10项,并参与完成国家自然科学基金、973子课题等项目多项。先后在Environmental Science & TechnologyBioresource TechnologyJournal of Hazardous MaterialsEnvironmental PollutionScience of the Total EnvironmentScientific ReportsChemosphereJournal of Agricultural and food chemistryEnvironmental Toxicology and ChemistryBiodegradationInternational Biodeterioration & Biodegradation等国内外学术期刊上发表论文近60篇,其中SCI收录论文40余篇;授权国家发明专利4项。



1. 农药生态毒理学

2. 农药残留与污染控制

3. 微生物生态学

4. 环境基因组学



1. 本科生课程:《农产品安全检测技术》、《农药环境毒理学》

2. 硕士生课程:《农药污染生物修复》、《化学农药环境安全评价》、《农药环境毒理学概论》

3. 博士生课程:《农药安全性评价》



1. 国家重点专项子课题:露地辣椒体系噻虫嗪和多菌灵减施关键因素与调控

2. 中央高校基本科研业务费:杀菌剂和抗生素长期复合污染土壤中微生物抗性响应机制

3. 国家自然科学基金:抗生素重复污染土壤中抗性基因多样性与基因点突变研究

4. 863子课题:典型持久性农药污染农田土壤的强化修复技术

5. 国家自然科学基金:抗生素重复污染土壤中微生物的响应与抗性形成

6. 环保公益性行业科研专项子课题:设施农业条件下抗生素对土壤环境质量影响规律、环境风险评估与调控对策

7. 863子课题:菜地土壤DDT高效降解菌的筛选及修复效应

8. 863子课题:复合污染的菜地土壤修复关键技术

9. 浙江省创新团队自主一般课题:农药在设施作物土壤系统中的行为与控制

10. 中国博士后科学基金:土壤中毒死蜱降解性质粒转移机制研究

11. 浙江省教育厅项目:抗生素长期胁迫下土壤微生物多样性变化与抗性形成



[1] Pan X, Xu TH, Xu HY, Fang H*, Yu YL*. 2017. Characterizaiton and genome functional analysis of the DDT-degrading bacterium Ochrobactrum sp. DDT-2. Science of the Total Environment 592, 593-599.

[2] Fang H, Han LX, Cui YL, Xue YF, Cai L, Yu YL*. 2016. Changes in soil microbial community structure and function associated with degradation and resistance of carbendazim and chlortetracycline during repeated treatments. Science of the Total Environment 572, 1203-1212.

[3] Fang H, Xu TH, Cao DT, Cheng LY, Yu YL*. 2016. Characterization and genome functional analysis of a novel metamitron-degrading strain Rhodococcus sp. MET via both triazinone and phenyl rings cleavage. Scientific Reports 6, 32339.

[4] Khorram MS, Zhang Q, Lin DL, Zheng Y, Fang H*, Yu YL*. 2016. Biochar: A review of its impact on pesticide behavior in soil environments and its potential applications. Journal of Environmental Sciences 44, 269-279.

[5] Han YL, Shi N, Wang HF, Pan X, Fang H*, Yu YL*. 2016. Nanoscale zerovalent iron-mediated degradation of DDT in soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23(7), 6253-6263.

[6] Pan X, Lin DL, Zheng Y, Zhang Q, Yin YM, Cai L, Fang H*, Yu YL*. 2016. Biodegradation of DDT by Stenotrophomonas sp DDT-1: Characterization and genome functional analysis. Scientific Reports 6, 21332.

[7] Fang H, Lian JJ, Wang HF, Cai L, Yu YL*. 2015. Exploring bacterial community structure and function associated with atrazine biodegradation in repeatedly treated soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 286, 457-465.

[8] Fang H, Wang HF, Cai L, Yu YL*. 2015. Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial pathogens in long-term manured greenhouse soils as revealed by metagenomic survey. Environmental Science & Technology 49(2), 1095-1104.

[9] Gao CM, Jin XX, Ren JB, Fang H*, Yu YL*. 2015. Bioaugmentation of DDT-contaminated soil by dissemination of the catabolic plasmid pDOD. Journal of Environmental Sciences 27, 42-50.

[10] Fang H, Han YL, Yin YM, Jin XX, Wang SY, Tang FF, Cai L, Yu YL*. 2014. Microbial response to repeated treatments of manure containing sulfadiazine and chlortetracycline in soil. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B 49(8), 609-615.

[11] Fang H, Cai L, Yang Y, Ju F, Li XD, Yu YL, Zhang T. 2014. Metagenomic analysis reveals potential biodegradation pathways of persistent pesticides in freshwater and marine sediments. Science of the Total Environment 470, 983-992.

[12] Fang H, Han YL, Yin YM, Pan X, Yu YL. 2014. Variations in dissipation rate, microbial function and antibiotic resistance due to repeated introductions of manure containing sulfadiazine and chlortetracycline to soil. Chemosphere 96, 51-56.

[13] Fang H, Cai L, Yu YL, Zhang T. 2013. Metagenomic analysis reveals the prevalence of biodegradation genes for organic pollutants in activated sludge. Bioresource Technology 129, 209-218.

[14] Fang H, Dong B, Yan H, Tang FF, Wang BC, Yu YL, 2012. Effect of vegetation of transgenic Bt rice lines and their straw amendment on soil enzymes, respiration, functional diversity and community structure of soil microorganisms under field conditions. Journal of Environmental Sciences 24, 1259-1269.

[15] Fang H, Zhou W, Cao ZY, Tang FF, Wang DD, Liu KL, Wu XW, Yang XE, Sun YG, Yu YL. 2012. Combined remediation of DDT congeners and cadmium in soil by Sphingobacterium sp. D-6 and Sedum alfredii Hance. Journal of Environmental Sciences 24, 1036-1046.

[16] Fang H, Tang FF, Zhou W, Cao ZY, Wang DD, Liu KL, Wu XW, Yu YL. 2012. Persistence of repeated triadimefon application and its impact on soil microbial functional diversity. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B 47, 104-110.

[17] Fang H, Chu XQ, Wang XG, Pang GH, Yu YL. 2010. Using matrix solid-phase microextraction (Matrix-SPME) to estimate bioavailability of DDTs in soil to both earthworm and vegetables. Archive of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58, 62-70.

[18] Fang H, Dong B, Yan H, Tang FF, Yu YL. 2010. Characterization of a bacterial strain capable of degrading DDT congeners and its use in bioremediation of contaminated soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 184, 281-289.

[19] Fang H, Wang YQ, Gao CM, Yan H, Dong B, Yu YL, 2010. Isolation and characterization of Pseudomonas sp. CBW capable of degrading carbendazim. Biodegradation 21, 939-946.

[20] Fang H, Yu YL, Chu XQ, Wang XG, Yang XE, Yu JQ, 2009. Degradation of chlorpyrifos in laboratory soil and its impact on soil microbial functional diversity. Journal of Environmental Sciences 21, 380-386.

[21] Fang H, Yu YL, Wang XG, Chu XQ, Yang XE, 2009. Persistence of herbicide butachlor in soil after repeated applications and its effect on soil microbial functional diversity. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B 44, 123-129.

[22] Fang H, Xiang YQ, Hao YJ, Chu XQ, Pan XD, Yu JQ, Yu YL, 2008. Fungal degradation of chlorpyrifos by Verticillium sp. DSP in pure cultures and its use in bioremediation of contaminated soil and pakchoi. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 61, 294-303.

[23] Fang H, Yu YL, Wang XG, Chu XQ, Pang XD, Yang XE, 2008. Effects of repeated applications of chlorpyrifos on its persistence and soil microbial functional diversity and development of its degradation capability. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 81, 397-400.

[24] Fang H, Yu YL, Wang X, Shan M, Wu XM, Yu JQ, 2006. Dissipation of chlorpyrifos in pakchoi-vegetated soil in a greenhouse. Journal of Environmental Sciences 18, 760-764.

[25] Yu YL, Fang H, Wang X, Wu XM, Shan M, Yu JQ, 2006. Characterization of a fungal strain capable of degrading chlorpyrifos and its use in detoxification of the insecticide on vegetables. Biodegradation 17, 487-494.

[26] Yu YL, Fang H, Wang X, Yu JQ, Fan DF, 2005. Dissipation of chlorpyrifos on pakchoi inside and outside greenhouse. Journal of Environmental Sciences 17, 503-505.



[1] 方华,高春明,虞云龙.一种DDTs降解菌及其应用.专利号:ZL200810120741.8.

[2] 方华,虞云龙,王秀国,楚小强.一种毒死蜱降解菌及其应用.专利号:ZL200810062747.4.

[3] 虞云龙,楚小强,方华.一种丁草胺降解菌及应用.专利号:ZL200810061035.0.

[4] 虞云龙,高春明,方华.一种鞘氨醇杆(Sphingobacterium sp.) DDT-6携带的质粒. 专利号:ZL201010276803.1.