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植病生物技术论坛-美国Iowa State University Dr. Wei Wang学术报告


报告时间和地点:10月14号(周二)上午10:30, 农生环C912
报告人Dr. Wei WangAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Plant Pathology and MicrobiologyIowa State University
报告题目Balance Between Growth and Defense: Timing of Plant Immune System
Dr. Wei Wang got his bachelor degree from Fudan University in 2007. He finished his graduate studies in Prof. Xinnian Dong’s lab at Duke University in 2012 and completed his postdoctoral training in the same lab. He recently joined the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at Iowa State University as an assistant professor. Dr. Wang made the groundbreaking discovery that the plant immune system is controlled by the circadian clock. This work was published in Nature and has been reported by several major mass media including New York Times, BBC Wildlife Magazine and Faculty of 1000. Through biochemical analysis and statistical modeling, Dr. Wang also helped characterize NPR3 and NPR4 as receptors for plant immune hormone, salicylic acid (SA). More recently, Dr. Wang discovered that SA can reinforce the central circadian clock and this reinforcement can help fine tune the timing of systemic acquired resistance. This unveiled the design principle of how an arrhythmic redox signal triggered by SA can be integrated by the clock and transduced as an oscillatory output to time the immune responses.